Saturday, September 10, 2011

Where Can I Go Skating?

When you receive or purchase a set of skates, one of the first decisions you need to make is finding a place to use them. Now, that decision might have already been made if you bought a skate with wheels that can only be used indoors or outdoors. If you did that, you can always buy another set of wheels and change them when you want to be either outside or inside. Remember that soft wheels 89A and lower can be used outdoors. 90A and higher should only be used indoors. So let's look at different possible places to stake
The Rink
The most obvious place to skate is a skating rink. They can be found in just about every city in the United States and even in small towns as well. Search the internet and you will see what is available in your community. If you live in a city, you probably have many to pick from. If you decide on a rink, you will have to pay a fee to skate. If you have your own pair of skates, your costs will be minimal. Check with the rink before you go, because the rink is not always open to the public. Ask when they have public skating. Usually the evenings and weekends are public skating times.
If you are skating in a park, you probably will be able of find a trail. But before you venture onto the trail, make sure that they allow roller or inline skaters on the trail. Also, find out if the trail is paved all the way. You do not want to try skating on gravel or dirt!
Biking Trails
More and more cities are providing biking trails. Check to see what is available in your city. If you can find a biking trail, this probably would be the best place to skate because you will probably have no problems with traffic. Just watch out for people on bikes and joggers.
Parking Lots
On Sunday you probably would be able to find an empty parking lot and it could be a good place to get on your skates and have fun. But please make sure that you are allowed to do this on the property. If there are no trespassing signs, stay away even if it looks like a great place. Another caution would be cars. Since you are in a parking lot, watch for cars. Always skate in an area where you can see cars coming from a great distance. Finally, don't skate in a parking lot at night even if they have lights.
In conclusion, know your neighborhood and get on those skates. Every town and village will have a place where you can enjoy your sport. Have fun!

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