Sunday, July 24, 2011

History Facts About Formula 1

Formula One is probably the most famous car competition in the entire world. It has a rich history that started in the beginning of the 20'th century. It is an international competition from the category of single seaters where 24 drivers and 12 teams compete for the big prize. Even if it all started from the European Grand Prix Motor Racing, the first official championship that gathered contestants from all over the world took place only in 1950. The United Kingdom was the host country and the race took place at Silverstone.
The first Formula 1 competition took place much later than the European Races from the 1920's and 1930's. This was because there was the need to create a set of rules for all the competitors. It was not only the participants that had to meet those rules, but also the cars. This set of rules, this formula, gave the name of the famous competition: Formula One. Only the best race car drivers and the best cars were allowed to take part in the most competitive race of the FIA.
After the first race Formula One competition, the 1958 year brought the first championships for the constructors. All the road car manufacturers took part in this race with very powerful and eager to win teams. But it was names like Giuseppe Farina, Juan Manuel Fangio or the unbelievable Michael Schumacher that made this competition so widely known.
The history of Formula One didn't bring only fair play in this competition, but also a fight for the power and the financial issues. The technical regulations and the billion dollars commercial rights of the championships were the main topics two major associations fought about. The war between the Formula One Constructor's Association and the Fédération Internationale du Sport Automobile was a very harsh one and threatened the competition several times. However they managed to come to a compromise in 1981 when the Concorde Agreement was signed.
The Concorde Agreement had to be modified several times during the history of this championship for various reasons among which technical and safety issues. If in the past the technical regulations were of great importance, the sudden loss of two great competitors, Ayrton Senna and Roland Ratzenberger shifted the attention of FIA towards the safety issues.
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The Most Effective Wrestling Workout

First and foremost, the most vital thing when you are working out for wrestling is simply to wrestle and drill, and not necessarily in that order. Whenever there is an opportunity to get on a wrestling mat, seize it. Although let's face it, there are not many pickup wrestling matches going on at your local gym.
Have no fear; there are other ways to improve your wrestling. The jumprope for one is very important when you are working out for wrestling. I credit it with giving me all of my speed. Build your ability over time until you can go for thirty minutes with no problem. When that becomes too easy for you increase the intensity by sprint jumping rope for thirty seconds and rest at your normal speed for a minute. Repeat until you've done it for thirty minutes. Progressively increase the sprint to one minute and the rest to only thirty seconds.
As for the gym when you are working out for wrestling, general principles include: Doing exercises that are explosive, focusing on technique not strength, doing a maximum of twenty sets per muscle group per day, always warming-up before and stretching after your workouts, and probably most importantly working hardest in the areas where you are the weakest. If your legs are as thin as piano wire, make that your number one priority in the offseason. If your neck is the same size as it was when you were seven...well you get it.
Important muscles when you are working out for wrestling
Ranked in order:
1. Legs (for speed, explosiveness and defense)
2. Forearms/wrists (for strength in a tie up)
3. Back (for everything)
4. Everything else
Key exercises when you are working out for wrestling
Leg exercises:
Box jumps (every week jump a little higher)
Sprint jumprope
Walking lunges
Forearm exercises:
Towel Pull-ups
Weight Pinch with fingers (start with two 5lb plates in each hand)
Pull-up hangs (keep your chin over the pull up bar for a minute)
Back exercises:
Hang Cleans
Dead Lifts
Remember to change-up your exercises at least once a month. Your muscles get used to the same thing over and over again. You have to keep them off-balance. A great indicator is soreness. If you are not sore at all the following day it is time to change-up your routine when you are working out for wrestling, especially in the offseason.
In the offseason build muscle and during the season sustain that muscle with maintenance lifting. Maintenance lifting involves lighter weight and higher repetitions.
The following is a four-day workout routine I came up with my brother, who is a NASM-certified personal trainer; use it as a guide more than anything else. If you have any questions about how to do a certain exercise described below leave a comment and I will try to respond ASAP.
Sample weekly routine when you are working out for wrestling:
Day 1
-10 minute warm-up - Any of the following; jump rope, active stretching, light jog, planks
-Single leg squats with dumbbells
-Plank/Pushup on stability ball- hold plank for a minute then perform 15 pushups engaging your core
-Box Jumps with medicine ball
-Any forearm strengthener (i.e. forearm curls, reverse grip bicep curls, rope twist, hanging towel pull-ups)
-Reverse Crunch (legs) on Stability ball until exhaustion
-Jackknife sit-ups until exhaustion
-5 minute cool down stretch
Day 2
-10 minute warm-up-, jump rope, active stretching, light jog, or planks
-Squat-Curl-Shoulder Press- Back Row (as in one exercise movement)
-Pull-ups until exhaustion superset (SS) with light Lat Pull downs
-Rows on Unstable Surface SS w/Reverse Flies
-Incline Dumbbell bench press SS w/dips until exhaustion
-Leg Extension
-Oblique exercise your gym has
-Side planks
-Bicycle Sit-ups until Exhaustion
-5 minute cool down stretch
Day 3
-10 minute warm-up-, jump rope, active stretching, light jog, or planks
-Barbell squats
-Forearm Pinches (pinch two plates smooth side out for as long as you can)
-Barbell body row
-Spiderman Pushups (Alternate by bringing one knee in at a time to the same side elbow as you perform a pushup while your leg is in the air)
-Squat with forward Shoulder Extensions
-Chest Cable Crossovers
-Back Cable Crossovers
-Back Extensions
-Explosive vertical jumps
-5 minute- Cool Down stretch
Day 4
-10 minute warm-up-, jump rope, active stretching, light jog, or planks
-Dumbbell snatches (if available use a cowbell)
-Towel Pull-ups
-Calf raises into shoulder press
-T Pushups (alternate raising arms high after each rep)
-Seated Twists with medicine ball
-Cobras (Extensions on ground or medicine ball while lying on your stomach)
-Jump squats with Dumbbells
-5 minute- Cool Down stretch
My name is Michael Bonora and I won the 2008 NCAA 141 pound Division III wrestling title. I am a 2x All-American, 3x Academic All-American, and a blue belt in Freestyle Jiu Jitsu. I maintain an instructional wrestling blog at I am also the author of Wrestling with Your Destiny available:

Indoor and Outdoor Games For Kids

Playing games is often associated with kids. Kids play various types of games, and these games include indoor as well as outdoor games. Kids have a fascination for games. While some of them like to stay indoors, a majority of the kids like to go out and have fun. Both, indoor and outdoor games have their own importance, and negligence of any might lead to an imbalance of health. Indoor games include mostly educational games, or the games that need to be played making use of their brains. Chess, and various other board games, are good examples of indoor games. There are many companies that are manufacturers of educational games and put stress on the indoor games and insist that they are important for the kids.
Educational toys are useful in the fast development of the child as they involve intelligence while playing. But there is one drawback in these games; as there is a possibility of the child getting obese as there is not much physical movement involved. Outdoor games are very important for the kids as they provide fresh air and a little bit of physical exercise to the kids. Outdoor games include playing catch with the ball, baseball, basketball, various other games that include lots of physical activity. Also the outdoor games help to keep the child healthy, mentally as well as physically. There is importance of both the games and so the parents should see that there is a proper balance of both outdoor and indoor games.
If you need to teach your child how to play graciously and with healthy competition and good sportsmanship then you should make them play board games. There are different board games that involve the kids to use their memory power, color recognition, counting capabilites, analyzing your part as well as the opposition's too. All these things make the brain sharper and the child slowly and steadily understands how to judge the move of his opponent. There are many board games that are quite challenging and all the time there is a new way to lead the game. One set formula games would result boring but smart kids like games that are challenging every time they play it.
With the help of educational games you can train the kids and teach them basic concepts very easily like the different colors, shapes and sizes etc. There are educational games for older children and you can choose one according to the age group. You have lot of options when you want to choose games for your child. You can even take the child along when your going to purchase these games as children sometimes like to choose for themselves. While games can be educational in nature, the important thing to remember is not to get so involved in the educational aspect of things, that the fun part of games is completely ignored. After all the main reason for a child to play games is for fun and recreation purposes.
So take heed to what the child wants as well, as there are many games that they may want to play just for fun.
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